Bigard came victorious in the 2017 Onitsha Provincial Sports Fiesta

Following the Maiden event of the Onitsha Ecclesiastical Provincial Major seminaries Games held in Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu in 2011, and the second held in Pope JohnPaul II Major Seminary Okpuno Awka in 2013, the third and the most recent was held at Blessed Iwene Tansi Major Seminary Onitsha from Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th February, 2017.

The three Major Seminaries of Onitsha Ecclesiastical Province come together every two years to celebrate oneness through sports, with the purpose of strengthening communality amongst seminarians, considering the seminary as a communion of persons. However, the provincial sports tournament could not hold in 2015 as a result of the security situation in the country which obliterated the All Nigeria Major Seminaries Games scheduled for 2014.

The provincial sports fiesta has been organized to come the next year after every national seminaries games, therefore 2015 edition of the provincial games was not held pending on when the national seminaries games was finally held in 2016.

Thursday, 23rd February, 2017 was the arrival day for the fiesta. The two visiting seminaries, Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu and Pope JohnPaul II Major Seminary Awka received warm hospitality from the hosting seminary, Blessed Iwene Tansi Major Seminary Onitsha. The event started with an opening ceremony on Thursday evening, where the Hosting Rector, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Emmanuel Dim welcomed the guests, promising to give his very best towards the success of the fiesta.

He also admonished the seminarians to always bear in mind the purpose of the sports fiesta, and the intention of the Rectors’ Forum. Hence, he officially announced the motto for the year’s tournament, “Playing To Be One,” as he disposed all for the games that would kick off the next day, Friday, 24th February, 2017.

Tables of fixtures and results

Friday, 24th February, 2017


Time Football Results
9:00am Tansi Vs P.J.P.S 0 – 0
3:30pm Tansi Vs Bigard 0 – 2
9:00am Bigard Vs P.J.P.S 2 – 3
3:30pm Bigard Vs Tansi 3 – 1
9:00am P.J.P.S Vs Tansi 33 – 63
3:30pm P.J.P.S Vs Bigard 49 – 51
9:00am P.J.P.S Vs Tansi 2 – 1(Single)
0 – 2(Double)
3:30pm P.J.P.S Vs Bigard 0 – 2(Single)
0 – 2(Double)
Lawn Tennis
9:00am Tansi Vs Bigard 2 – 0(Single)
2 – 0(Double)
3:30pm Tansi Vs P.J.P.S 2 – 0(Single)
2 – 0(Double)
Table Tennis
9:00am Bigard Vs P.J.P.S 3 – 0(Single)
3 – 0(Double)
3:30pm Bigard Vs Tansi 3 – 0(Single)
3 – 1(Double)

Saturday, 25th February, 2017


Time Football Results
9:00am P.J.P.S Vs Bigard 0 – 1
9:00am Tansi Vs P.J.P.S 3 – 1
9:00am Tansi Vs Bigard 53 – 30
9:00am Tansi Vs Bigard 0 – 2(Single)
0 – 2(Double)
Lawn Tennis
9:00am Bigard Vs P.J.P.S 2 – 0(Single)
2 – 0(Double)
Table Tennis
9:00am P.J.P.S Vs Tansi 3 – 1(Single)
3 – 2(Double)
Finals! Finals!! Finals!!!
3:30pm Bigard Vs P.J.P.S
3:30pm Bigard Vs Tansi 3 – 2
3:30pm Bigard Vs Tansi 44 – 53
3:30pm Bigard Vs P.J.P.S 2 – 0(Single)
2 – 0(Double)
Lawn Tennis
3:30pm Bigard Vs Tansi 0 – 2(Single)
0 – 2(Double)
Table Tennis
3:30pm Bigard Vs P.J.P.S 3 – 0(Single)
3 – 0(Double)

After the football final between the Bigard and P.J.P.S teams in the evening of Saturday, 25th February, 2017, came the closing ceremony, where medals were presented to the seminaries that came first Position in each of the events. The presentation of medals and trophies was done by Very Rev. Fr. Prof Peter-Damian Akpunonu, assisted by the Rectors of the three participating seminaries; Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Albert O. Ikpenwa (Bigard, Enugu), Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Emmanuel Dim (Tansi, Onitsha), and Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Benjamin I. Ewelu (P.J.P.S, Awka).

In his speech before the presentation, Fr. Prof P.D Akpunonu made a suggestion that more days be accorded this great fiesta, for better appreciation of the purpose for which it was initiated. Hence, he requested that the Rectors’ forum deliberates over his humble submission. Fr. Prof, Akpunonu congratulated all seminarians who took part in the fiesta, and admonished them to keep developing the beautiful skills they are blessed with. He acknowledged the efforts of those who took the first position in each of the events, and admonished others to train harder in order to perform better in the next tournament.

Below is the summary of the Medal Table;

Medal Table


Trophy Gold Silver Bronze
Football Bigard P.J.P.S Tansi
Volleyball Bigard Tansi P.J.P.S
Basketball Tansi Bigard P.J.P.S
Badminton Single Bigard P.J.P.S Tansi
Badminton Double Bigard Tansi P.J.P.S
Lawn Tennis Single Tansi Bigard P.J.P.S
Lawn Tennis Double Tansi Bigard P.J.P.S
Table Tennis Single Bigard P.J.P.S Tansi
Table Tennis Double Bigard P.J.P.S Tansi

The trophy for the best behaved seminary for the sports tournament went to Blessed Iwene Tansi Seminary, Onitsha.

The Trophy for the best fan club of the sports tournament went to Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu. The Victor Ludorum (Overall Winner of the tournament) went to Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, with Six Gold Trophies above the hosting seminary, Blessed Iwene Tansi Seminary Onitsha who won three gold trophies.

Saturday, 25th February night was a glamorous one, as the three seminaries were greatly entertained with music, drama and other presentations. The gala night solidified the unity and communality intended for the tournament, serving as an avenue for seminarians from the three seminaries to share ideas and know themselves better. After the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit presided over by the Metropolitan of Onitsha ecclesiastical province, His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Valerian Maduka Okeke on Sunday 26th February 2017 the fiesta was brought to a successful end with the blessings of the mass, as the visitors left for their seminaries.

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