2014 Inter-House Sport’s Competition

In the list of the first things desirable in life, the Roman satirist and poet, Juvenal, locates “mens sana in corpore sano” (a healthy mind in a healthy body). Toeing a similar line, Pope John-Paul II, in Pastores Dabo Vobis, advocates vehemently for an integral formation of the candidates to the priesthood. Hence, the candidates have to be humanly, spiritually, intellectually and pastorally formed. As part of the fulfillment of this papal exhortation, the seminary engages in various sporting activities; ranging from track to field events.

Apart from the normal daily exercise of the body through these events, we engage in inter and extra competitions. We play matches with different clubs. And most importantly, we go for all seminary games; both at provincial and national levels. As part of the preparations for these extra-competitions and as a means for the discovery of talents, we engage in inter-house sports competitions. This however, is not an annual event.

Therefore, this year, Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, shall be organizing her inter-house sports competition, from 1st to 12th March 2014. Listed below is the nitty-gritty for the competitions. You are invited.

Participating Houses
Group A:

St. Gregory – Green

St. Francis – White

Iwene Tansi – Road Safety

Group B:

St. Mark – Orange

St. Stephen – Pink

St. Mary – Blue

Group C:

Emmanuel – Red

St. Albert – Yellow

Immaculate – Sky Blue

Group D:

Queen of the Apostle – Ash

St. Anthony – Black

St. Vincent – Purple

NB – This Group holds for all group competitive events.


Track events will be done on Thursdays – 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, and 1500m.

There will be javelin and discus throws on Thursdays



Fixtures for Football Matches

Group Stage


Date Days Fixtures Time
1/03 Saturday Gregory vs Francis 2:30pm
Mark vs Stephen 2:30pm
2/03 Sunday Emmanuel vs Albert 9:30am
Morning Queen of the Apo. vs. Anthony 9:30am
Sunday Gregory vs Iwene Tansi 3:30pm
Evening Mark vs Mary 3:30pm
4/03 Tuesday Emmanuel vs Immaculate 3:30pm
Queen of the Apo. vs Vincent 3:30pm
5/03 Wednesday Francis vs Iwene Tansi 3:30pm
Stephen vs Mary 3:30pm
8/03 Saturday Albert vs Immaculate 8:00am
Morning Anthony vs Vincent 8:00am


Quarter Finals


Date Day No Results Matches Results Time
9/03 Sun. 1 First A vs Second B 9:30am
2 First B vs Second A 9:30am
Even. 3 First C vs. Second D 3:30pm
4 First D vs Second C 3:30pm


Semi – Finals


Date Day No Results Matches Result Time
11/03 Tues. 5 Winner 1 Vs Winner 3 3:30pm
6 Winner 2 Vs Winner 4 3:30pm


Third Place


12/03   Wed.       Loser 5         vs.         Loser 6            3:30pm




15/03   Sat.         Winner 5         vs.         Winner 6            3:30pm


Fixtures for Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis and Badminton Matches – Singles

Group Stage


Date Day Results Matches Results Time
1/03 Sat. Emmanuel vs Albert 3:30pm
Queen of Apo. vs Anthony 3:30pm
2/03 Sun Gregory vs Francis 9:30am
Mark  vs Stephen 9:30am
Emmanuel vs Immaculate 3:30pm
Vincent vs Queen of Apo 3:30pm
4/03 Tues Gregory vs Iwene 3:30pm
Mark vs Mary 3:30pm
5/03 Wed. Anthony vs Vincent 3:30pm
Albert vs Immaculate 3:30pm
6/03 Thurs Francis vs Iwene 3:30pm
Mary vs Stephen 3:30pm


Quarter Finals


Date Day No Results Matches Results Time
8/03 Sat. 1 First C vs Second D 8:00am
2 First D vs Second C 8:00am
3 First A vs Second B 3:30pm
4 First B vs Second A 3:30pm


Semi – Finals


Date Day No Results Matches Result Time
9/03 Sun. 5 Winner 1 vs Winner 3 3:30pm
6 Winner 2 vs Winner 4 3:30pm


Third Place


11/03   Wed.         Loser 5         vs.         Loser 6            3:30pm




12/03   Thurs.       Winner 5        vs.        Winner 6          3:30pm




Fixtures for Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis and Badminton Matches – Doubles

Group Stage


Date Day Results Matches Results Time
1/03 Sat. Gregory vs Francis 3:30pm
Mary vs Stephen 3:30pm
2/03 Sun. Queen of Apo. vs Anthony 9:30am
Emmanuel vs Albert 9:30am
Mark vs Stephen 3:30pm
Iwene vs Francis 3:30pm
4/03 Tues. Anthony vs Vincent 3:30pm
Albert vs Immaculate 3:30pm
5/03 Wed. Gregory vs Iwene 3:30pm
Mark vs Mary 3:30pm
6/03 Thurs. Emmanuel vs Immaculate 3:30pm
Queen of Apo. vs. Vincent 3:30pm


Quarter Finals


Date Day No Results Matches Results Time
8/03 Sat. 1 First A vs Second B 8:00am
2 First B vs Second A 8:00am
3 First C vs Second D 3:30pm
4 First D vs Second C 3:30pm


Semi – Finals


Date Day No Results Matches Result Time
9/03 Sun. 5 Winner 1 vs Winner 3 3:30pm
6 Winner 2 vs Winner 4 3:30pm


Third Place


11/03   Wed.         Loser 5         vs.         Loser 6            3:30pm




12/03   Thurs.       Winner 5        vs.        Winner 6          3:30pm




Fixtures of Basket Ball and Volley Ball


Date Day Basket Ball Results Volley Ball Results Time
1/03 Sat. Emmanuel vs Albert Queen of Apo. vs


2/03 Sun. Gregory vs Francis Mark vs Stephen 9:30am
Queen of Apo. vs


Emmanuel vs Albert 3:30pm
3/03 Mon. Emmanuel vs


Queen of Apo. vs Vincent 5:00pm
4/03 Tues. Mark vs Stephen Gregory vs Francis 4:00pm
5/03 Wed. Queen of Apo. vs


Emmanuel vs Immaculate 4:00pm
6/03 Thurs. Gregory vs Iwene Mark vs Mary 3:30pm
7/03 Fri. Francis vs Iwene Stephen vs Mary 5:00pm
8/03 Sat. Stephen vs Mary Francis vs Iwene 8:30am
Albert vs Immaculate Anthony vs Vincent 3:30pm
9/03 Sun. Anthony vs Vincent Albert vs Immacualte 9:30am
Mark vs Mary Gregory vs Iwene 3:30pm


Quarter Finals


Date Day No Basket Ball Matches Results Volley Ball Matches Results Time
Mon 1 First A vs Second B First A vs Second B 5:00pm
Tues 2 First B vs Second A First B vs Second A 3:30pm
3 First C vs Second D First C vs Second D 4:45pm
Wed 4 First D vs Second C First D vs Second C 3:30pm


Semi – Finals


Date Day No. Matches Results Matches Results Time
Wed 5 Winner 1 vs

Winner 3

Winner 1 vs

Winner 3

Thur 6 Winner 2 vs

Winner 4

Winner 2 vs

Winner 4



Third Place for Basket Ball and Volley Ball


Saturday morning        Loser 5         vs.         Loser 6            8:00am




Saturday morning      Winner 5        vs.        Winner 6          9:30pm






Regulations for Inter-House Competitions 2014

  1. Aim
    • This competition is aimed at hunting for talents to represent the seminary in various fields of sports, especially the forth coming major seminaries’ games.
    • It is also competitive since awards will be given to the bests.
    • Every team is therefore expected to put in their best performance when called up.


  1. Style
    • The game will be played in two styles
    • The first stage will be according to groups
    • Further stages would be play off
    • In the group stages, the two teams with the highest points would qualify
    • In a situation where two teams are drawn in points, goal difference would be used to decide the superior
    • If they are further drawn in the goal difference, we shall use the head-to-head rule


  1. Teams Pre-Tournament Requirements
    • Each team is to present the colour of the Jersey allotted to them to the LOC.
    • The houses will also pay a registration fee of Two thousand naira (N2,000) only.
    • Every team must be ready 30 minutes before every kick off


  1. Complaints
    • Every complaint must be directed to the LOC in written form.
    • If it is related to a match yet to b e played, the compliant must be made at least 5 hours before the match
    • If it is about a match already played, it must not exceed two hours after the match.


  1. Fines
    • All fines accruing from previous matches must be paid before the team is eligible to play the next match
    • A team that is yet to clear its debts is considered not yet present in the match venue and would be punished according to the rules (which includes a walk over)
    • A yellow card issued to a player attracts a fine of fifty naira (N50) while red card attracts a fine of one hundred naira (N100).
    • A walk over attracts a fine of N1,000 to any team that is absent or incomplete at the match venue.


  1. Punishments
    • Any team that is found guilty of violence or hooliganism against another team, officials or any other group stands to be disqualified from competing in that particular game.
    • Any team that is absent from the match venue without prior complaints to the committee will be walked over 30 minutes after kick off.
    • Anyone who receives a red card would miss the next match.


  1. Team List (For Each Match)
    • In football, a maximum of twenty (20) players shall be recorded in the team list for each match, but only five (5) substitutes may be allowed in the match.
    • In basket ball, twelve (12) players may be listed, all of whom may take part in the match.
    • In volley ball, a maximum of twelve (12) players may be allowed. All may take part in the match.
    • In Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis and Badminton, four players are maximum. However, one who takes part in the single can also participate in the doubles.
    • In the races, both short and middle distant races, two contingents are allowed from each house. However, 1,500M is open to all who wish to participate.

NB – Team lists must be submitted to the Referee/Umpire before any match commences

  1. Recommendations
    • We pray that our umpires/referees be professional and unbiased.
    • We also implore the contingent to be civil
    • Let us play to remain friends.


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