Course Contents For Philosophy One

GES 101: ENGLISH 1 (COMPULSORY) Training in Essay-writing, précis and note taking. Listening, comprehension and logical inferences (HL 45; U3; PO).

GES 102: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE (REQUIRED) The physical constitution of a Computer and Familiarization with basic programme and word-processing (HL 45; U3; PO).

GES 103: ENGLISH 2 (COMPULSORY) Continuing GES 101. Grammar, parts of speech, Syntax, semantics and English lexis, improved listening and writing skills (HL 45; U3; PO).

GES 104: SPEECH TECHNIQUES (ELECTIVE) The mechanics of speech, issues and trends in Public speaking. Training in address from text and non-written addresses. How to write speeches based on occasion and situations; talks, sermons, homilies, debates, etc. Skills in speech analysis and criticism – critique (HL; U2; PO).

PHI 101: INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY ((C; HL 45; U3; PO) The nature and scope of philosophy. Relation of philosophy to other disciplines. Why study philosophy? Illustration of philosophical thinking will be taken from the works of ancient and modern thinkers in the areas of metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics and political philosophy. Efforts will be made to show the relevance of such discipline to the student’s experience. For example, what are some of the philosophical problems that are considered in African thought?

PHI 102: ARGUMENTS AND CRITICAL THINKING (C; HL 45; U3; PO). Meaning and definition. Types of discourse. The nature of arguments. Validity, techniques for evaluating arguments. The distinction between inductive and deductive inferences. Illustrative arguments taken from typical texts in History Law Reports, Newspapers, etc., will be examined. The course is intended to develop the student’s ability to assess arguments.

PHI 103: PHILOSOPHY OF VALUE (E; HL 45; U3; PO). What is value? The problem of the varieties of value; kinds of value: aesthetic values, religious values, economic values, moral values. The distinction between value judgements and factual judgements. An examination of moral concepts, such as good, bad, right, wrong. The notions of justice, natural rights and the grounds of moral obligation. The relevance of moral theory to issues in practical life.

PHI 104: METHODOLOGY OF RATIONAL INQUIRY (E; HL 45; U3; PO). The empirical and the a priori. The problems of induction. Analogical arguments, elements of probability. Observation, hypothesis and scientific explanation.

PHI 105: ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY (R; HL 45; U3; PO) Survey of Greek and Roman philosophy from Thales to Plotinus. The intellectual word of these early Greek and Roman Thinkers. Special emphasis on the epistemological, metaphysical and ethical doctrines of the major figures of the period; Parmenides, Plato, the Stoics and Plotinus.


The following are courses which Bigard offers in addition to the courses we offer in strict conformity to the affiliation agreement and to the curriculum of studies of the University of Ibadan. They are selected from the Faculties of Arts, Sciences and Social Sciences of various Universities to enable our students satisfy the compulsory demand to obtain some qualifying units from such Faculties (cf. Prospectus, op. cit., pp. 388-399). The letter B prefixed to some course codes indicates they are Bigard courses.

BLH 101: LATIN 1 (COMPULSORY) Grammar, syntax, unprepared text translation. Reading of philosophical and Theological texts (HL 45; U3; PO).

BMF 101: FRENCH 1 (ELECTIVE) Grammar, Conversation and Reading Skills (HL45; U2; PO).

BRC 101: INTRODUCTION TO LITURGY (ELECTIVE) The meaning and purpose of liturgy in the Bible and Christian tradition. Signs, Symbols, rites and rituals. Celebrations and Catechesis (HL 45; U2; PO).

BRS 102: INTRODUCTION TO RELIGION (ELECTIVE) Religion: types and differences. Comparative study of the major religions of the world. God, Creation, Salvation, Life and Death, and After Life in different religions (HL 45; U2; PO).

BMF 102: FRENCH II (ELECTIVE) Intensification of MLI 101, conversation, reading and writing skills. Public debate. (Either MLG 101 and 102 or MLI 101 or 102) HL 45; U2; PO.

BLG 101: GERMAN I (ELECTIVE) Grammar, Conversation and Reading Skills (HL 45; U2; PO).

BTH 103: MUSIC: SINGING (ELECTIVE) Theory: rudiments of notation and rhythm. Principles of voice producing and training. Singing songs. Sight reading of notations – plain chants and sol-fa notations (HL 45; U2; PO).

BGS 105: CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION AND RESEARCH METHOD (COMPULSORY) Study of the scientific method of enquiry and research; taking notes; summarizing and memorizing. Use of library, bibliographies and the writing of a term paper. Element of culture and civilization (HL 45; U3; PO).

BAF 101: AFRICAN THOUGHT AND CULTURE I (ELECTIVE) General definition and types of culture. Cultural development and language, Art, Ecology, Social Political and belief systems with special reference to Africa (HL 45; U2; PO).

BST 107: SPIRITUAL THEOLOGY (COMPULSORY) General introduction to the meaning and purpose of the discipline, differences between spiritual Theology and other disciplines with reference to its relevance. Types of spirituality – monasticism, origin, early Christian community of Jerusalem, kinds of Monasticism, Anchoritism, Anthonias, Cenobitism-Pachomius (HL 45; U3; PO).

BLI 101: GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO IGBO LANGUAGE (ELECTIVE) Words, Phrases, sentences; sentence types, sound patterns – the different tones; phonetic representation of sounds and their classifications (HL 45; U3; PO).

BLI 201: IGBO GRAMMAR (ELECTIVE) Basic Elements of Igbo grammar, Igbo and other African and modern languages contrasted. Nouns, Verbs, adverbs and other particles of speech. Igbo proverbs and myths. Igbo literature (HL 45; U3; PO).

BMI 201: ITALIAN 1 (ELECTIVE) Grammar, conversation and Reading Skills (HL 45; U2; PO).

BMI 202: ITALIAN II (ELECTIVE) Intensification of BMLI 101, conversation, reading and writing skills (Either BMLG 101 and 102 or BMLI or 102) HL 45; U2; PO

BLG 202: GERMAN II (ELECTIVE) Intensification of Oral and Aural comprehension (HL 45; U2; PO).

BCG 101: INTRODUCTION TO NEW TESTAMENT GREEK (ELECTIVE) Greek Grammar and vocabulary. Practical Reading of Greek (HL 45; U3; PO). BCG 102: New Testament Greek Set Texts (Elective) Greek Grammar and vocabulary through the study of prescribed New Testament Texts (HL 45; U3; PO)