Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu on the 30th day of March 2022, celebrated a requiem Mass in honor of her longest serving staff, Late Mr. Livinus Onyeanuna who joined the seminary non-academic Staff in 1962 and served the seminary for 60 Years. The Rector who was the Chief Celebrant of the Mass welcomed all present and remarked that Late Livinus was a man whose life was marked by patience and dedication to duty and as such, worthy of emulation. He then condoled with the family and friends present including the Bigard family who have lost such a wonderful rare gem.

In the homily, Rev Fr. Dr. Patrick Malo, reiterated the fact that though death is a due everyone must pay, it still causes grief when it comes becomes it leaves a lacuna. He however advised the family and friends of Late Mr. Livinus Onyeanuna to be consoled in the words of the gospel that the death of a Christian is not an end but a means to receive the unfading crown of glory. He therefore stated that it is now left for those still in the journey of life to emulate the life of Late Mr. Livinus who lived a life of virtues in order to meet him on the day of resurrection. He further reminded all to keep on praying for the soul of the deceased that God may grant him mercy and lead him to his kingdom.

Towards the end of the Mass, the Vice Rector I, Rev. Fr. Dr. Kevin Udenwagu, gave the vote of thanks where he highlighted two distinct attributes of Late Mr. Livinus Onyeanuna which are that he was a “man of the people” and also showed admirable “commitment to duty”.

After this the son of Late Livinus Onyeanuna also appreciated the Seminary family for the honor of celebrating a requiem Mass for the deceased father and assured that the family is happy and so is their father.

May the soul of Late Mr. Livinus Onyeanuna and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.