“What marvel the Lord worked for us indeed we were glad” Psalm 126:3 This was the song of joy and thanksgiving in the hearts of every member of Bigard Family as we celebrated the Epiphany of our newly ordained deacons. …
It was a wonderful reunion as the Rectors of all Nigerian Major Seminaries, Spiritual Year Seminaries and Minor Seminaries gathered this year for their annual meeting in Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu from Wednesday, January 14 to Saturday, January 17, 2015. …
Seek a convenient time to search your own conscience, meditating on the benefits of God… therefore, those who intend to lead the interior life and have grace of devotion must with our Lord go away from the crowd. The Seminarians …
The night of Tuesday, December 16, 2014 was a memorable one as Bigard family gathered to celebrate the Christmas Gala night before the seminary vacated for the Christmas holiday the next day. The events of the night began with an …
Man is a cultural being. His culture gives him an identity in the society, thus every society is distinguished by her culture. Our culture is our heritage and our pride. Our culture needed also to be evangelized even as our …
At the end of every Liturgical year the Church celebrates the feast of Christ the universal King. She honors Christ as the king of the universe who sits on his throne at the right hand of God the Father and …
The harvest time is often the time to make plans for a new season and the time for the gradual kicking-off of the new season. It is on this note and with such a spirit of a good farmer who …
Pope Francis in his message to all Catholics on World Mission Sunday held on Oct., 19, 2014, dwelt on the joy of the mission, while reflecting on the Gospel of St. Luke, Chapter 10:21-23. The disciples returned from the mission …
An Igbo proverb goes thus: “Izubundu” (communal dialogue cum deliberation is life). It was on this note that the Bigard family gathered together on 6th Oct., 2014, for her annual colloquium. It was an ample time for stock taking, while …
Spiritual formation occupies a pride of place in the formation of candidates for the priesthood. Consequently, Bigard Memorial Seminary, as a formation house, begins and ends her academic/formation year with a retreat. Thus, the end of the year retreat for …