Bigard Family Celebrates the “Epiphany” of their newly Ordained Deacons
“What marvel the Lord worked for us indeed we were glad” Psalm 126:3
This was the song of joy and thanksgiving in the hearts of every member of Bigard Family as we celebrated the Epiphany of our newly ordained deacons.
“Epiphany” in Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu is always a day every Seminarian look forward to. It is an annual event when Bigard Family gather to thank God for and with the Theology four Seminarians especially the newly ordained Deacons. On this day, the newly ordained Deacons present themselves in a most special way to God. It begins with the Eucharistic celebration.
This year’s epiphany was on Sunday, January 18, 2015. The Eucharistic celebration which began at about 7.40am was presided over by Rev. Fr. Dr. Clement Obasi, Dean of the Theology Department. Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Igboanugo concelebrated with him while the 26 newly ordained Deacons joined in the long procession to the altar.
In his homily, Fr. Obasi stressed the importance of the day’s readings with regard to the improvement of the priestly ministry and the journey to the priesthood. According to him, there is need for a reciprocal understanding between the elderly priests and the younger priests especially when they are working together in a parish as noticed in the first reading between Eli and the boy Samuel. Reflecting on the Gospel, he admonished us to carryout diligently any work entrusted to us no matter how little. We should like Andrew lead people to Jesus. We should always ask ourselves “What am I looking for in following Jesus?” This will determine our attitude towards Jesus.
Finally, he advised the newly ordained Deacons to be good examples by performing their duties diligently no matter how small.
After the post communion prayer Rev. Elom Toochukwu gave a vote of thanks followed by the final blessing and dismissal. After the Mass there was a group photograph outside the chapel.
The celebration continued in the evening with the solemn vespers which began with a solemn procession of all the Seminarians from the Sacristy through the Sanctuary into the Chapel according to classes from Philosophy One to Theology Four. The Benediction was celebrated by Rev. Echezona Stephen. After the Benediction, the Seminarians went back to the Sacristy in procession joined by the Rector, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Ukoro Theophilus Igwe. The celebrant on behalf of the Theology Four Seminarians thanked God for the day; he expressed their unalloyed gratitude to the formators for making them who they are and to the entire Seminarians for their prayers and support. He gave the blessing and all proceeded to the next part of the Celebration.
The whole event of the day culminated with a party in Pope John Paul II Refectory, Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu sponsored by the Theology four seminarians. During this part, Mr. Adike Godwin, on behalf of all the Seminarians thanked the Theology Four Seminarians after which Rev. Echezona Stephen prayed and blessed all the Students.
We thank God for elevating our brothers to the Clerical state and bringing them thus far in their Seminary formation. We pray God to give them the grace to be faithful to this call to service.
Kudos Revered Deacons of the Church.