Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu held her 24th matriculation ceremony for the philosophy department on the 1st of March, 2024. The ceremony began with a procession of the matriculants, formators and principal officers of the University of Ibadan to the Seminary auditorium. When the procession entered the auditorium, the Registrar of Bigard memorial seminary, Rev. Fr. Dr. Aloysius Obiwulu invited all present to stand for the respective anthems. After the anthems Rev. Fr. Patrick Malo led in the opening prayers. After the opening prayers Fr. Obiwulu in accordance with the matriculation protocol called upon the Registrar of the University of Ibadan ably represented by the Deputy registrar Mrs. Stella Soola to invite the Vice Chancellor to declare the matriculation open. The Vice Chancellor ably represented by the Director, Directorate of Affiliated institutions Professor Francis Ofor upon the Registrar’s request rose and declared the matriculation open.
With the matriculation officially declared open the Seminary Registrar Fr. Obiwulu called on the Rector of the Seminary Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Albert Okechukwu Ikpenwa for his welcome address. In his address, the Rector noted the fact that the 24th matriculation ceremony is a unique one because it fell on the year of the centenary celebration of the Seminary, this very fact implies that philosophy has been taught in Bigard Memorial Seminary for 100 years. He further commended the principal officers of the University of Ibadan for their consistent cooperation and support towards sustaining the affiliation of Bigard to the University of Ibadan. Fr. Ikpenwa on the same note of appreciation thanked the H.O.D. philosophy, Rev. Fr. Dr. Humphrey Ani represented by the acting H.O.D. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Ezeoba for their tireless services in fostering academic progress in the philosophy department. He equally extended his words of appreciation to all the lecturers of the philosophy department for their selfless services. Going forward, he admonished the matriculants to focus on their studies bearing in mind that intellectual formation is a crucial aspect of priestly formation. Fr. Ikpenwa emphasized the importance of philosophy as the source of wisdom needed to live in the society. In reference to the 2023/2024 colloquium paper, he reminded the matriculants that as future leaders in the Church, they must embrace the servant leadership model and also they must embrace philosophy which prepares people for leadership. He concluded with acknowledging the presence of other visitors and appreciating all who worked behind the scene to actualize the success of the matriculation ceremony.
After the Rector’s address, the Seminary Registrar Fr. Obiwulu called on Mrs. Stella Soola, the Deputy registrar of the University of Ibadan who in turn invited the Vice Chancellor ably represented by the Director Directorate of Affiliated Institutions Professor Francis Ofor for the Vice Chancellor’s address. In his address Prof. Ofor began by thanking all the academic officers of the University of Ibadan and Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu for their consistent collaboration since the affiliation between the two institutions was initiated on 27th April, 1998. He expressed optimism that the relationship would endure. He noted that the challenges in the country require the intellectual intervention of philosophers. Furthermore, Prof. Ofor highlighted the uniqueness of the 24th matriculation ceremony as it falls on the same year of the Seminary’s centenary celebration. He extolled Bigard for being a mother of great men in the society, Cardinals, Bishops and prominent men, he equally wished the Seminary success in her centenary celebrations. Going forward Prof. Ofor thanked all who have been tirelessly sustaining the academic relationship between Bigard and University of Ibadan, the likes of the past H.O.D. Prof. Adeshina Afolayan, the current H.O.D Prof. Cornelius Udefi. From the Bigard axis he extended his appreciation to the Rector Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Albert Okechukwu Ikpenwa for his administrative sagacity, the Head of the Philosophy department, Rev. Fr. Dr. Humphrey Ani and the acting H.O.D. Rev. Fr. Dr. Aloysius Ezeoba for their selfless services towards sustaining the department. Turning to the matriculants, Prof. Ofor them to be determined and focused in their studies and to take every aspect of their formation seriously. He advised them to live by the values of honesty, academic commitment, and obedience to constituted authority and to avoid undesirable associations and other acts that might be interpreted as a violation of their matriculation oath. He concluded on a note of appreciation to the entire seminary ably led by the Rector Fr. Dr. Albert Ikpenwa for the warm reception and efforts that has built the strategic co-operation between Bigard and the University of Ibadan.
The Registrar Fr. Obiwulu thanked Prof Francis Ofor for his detailed and impactful address. He went on to invite the Deputy registrar of the University of Ibadan Mrs. Stella Soola to conduct the matriculation oath. The oath was taken by the matriculants who vowed to abide by the codes guiding the University of Ibadan. After the administration of the matriculation oath, Fr. Obiwulu advised the matriculants to ensure that they sign the matriculation register which will fully confirm their admission.
Fr. Obiwulu went on to invite the Deputy registrar of the University of Ibadan Mrs. Stella Soola who in turn called on the Vice Chancellor ably represented by the Director Directorate of Affiliated institutions Professor Francis Offor to declare the matriculation closed. After the closing declaration, the closing prayer was said by Rev. Fr. Dr. Christian Agala. After the prayers, the anthems were taken again. At the end of the anthems, the recession out of the auditorium took off in the reverse order, and with this the 24th matriculation ceremony came to an end.