Bigard Mourns Late Dr Evaristus Udorah

On the 8th day of March 2021 the Rector, formators, seminarians and staff of Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, celebrated a memorial mass in remembrance of the life and work of their ebullient head doctor, Doctor Evaristus P. C. Udora.
The celebration which started at exactly 5:00 pm was organized in collaboration with the Bigard Medical team and the family of late Dr. E.P.C. Udora. In the mass which was celebrated by the Rector of Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu and nineteen concelebrating priests comprising of formators and lecturers of the Seminary, an office for the dead was said for the soul of Dr. Evaristus Udora.
In his homily, Rev. Fr. Dr. Clement Obasi drew inspiration from the second Letter of St. Paul to Timothy where St. Paul enjoined Timothy to remember him and the works he did. Fr. Obasi made it clear that gratitude towards those who had contributed to the growth of our being is a mark of a good Christian. This is why the Bigard Family is celebrating the wonderful work done by Dr. Evaristus Udora; his service, dedication to work and his sacrificial life which was unquestionable even towards the end of his life. Thus, we should also try and remember not only the dead but also the living and appreciate them while we can. We should also remember our benefactors and benefactresses because without them things would be really hard for us.
Commenting on the life of Dr. Evaristus Udora, Fr. Obasi made it clear that persistence in doing good made manifest in beginning and ending on a good note is a great mark of a good Christian. Thus, he made all aware of the fact that Dr. Udora started well in 1977 and ended well in 2021. We all then are to emulate that spirit of persistence in duty and never to slacken in doing what is right. We should imitate the likes of St. Paul who though did not start well but ended well. Evaristus is a model for all he concluded emphatically.
In the tributes and orations by the Chief Infirmarian of St. Luke’s Clinic, Dr. Chike Akunyili, Prof. Anisiuba and Dr. Valentine Udora (the son of Dr. Evaristus Udora), one thing continued to resonate in their testimonies: That Dr. Evaristus is a disciplined man, dedicated to his duty and in a special way loves sacrificing his life for others. His 44 years of selfless service to the seminary stands at the apogee of all his good works. In fact, to ensure a continuous life of service to the seminary, he even initiated his son now Doctor Val Udora into the league of servants. In all, Udora is not mourned but celebrated as a symbol of Christ’s charity.
In the end all were thanked for participating in the remembrance of an Icon who started the Bigard St. Luke’s Clinic in 1977 and took it to where it is today.
May the soul of Late Dr Evaristus and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen