On Sunday, January 23, 2022, Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu celebrated her diaconate epiphany which is a traditional celebration where the newly ordained deacons officially present themselves to the Bigard family. To the greater glory of God this year, Bigard had 39 new deacons. As has become traditional, the 2021/2022 Bigard epiphany kicked off with a football match at the Bigard FIFA field between the newly ordained deacons and their brothers in the deacon class who because of rules in their local Churches will be ordained in the future. The football match, which was a tough contest, ended 2-0 in favor of the non-deacons.
On Sunday, January 23, there was a thanksgiving mass in honor of the epiphany presided over by the Pater Familias, the Rector of Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu: Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Albert Ikpenwa who was joined by two other members of the college of formators: Rev. Fr. Dr. Ohajuobodo Oko, Rev Fr Dr Eugene Odo and Rev.Fr. Sebastian Nwude as concelebrants. The Seminary choir and the Band of Bigard added flair to the mass. During the homily, Rev Fr Dr Ohajuobodo Oko, centering on the second reading of the day from 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Spoke on “the unity in diversity and diversity in unity.” He thus advises all on the need to eschew pride and arrogance in the use of one’s gifts. This is because, according to him, no one can claim to possess all the spiritual gifts and in the same way that no one is also bereft of all the spiritual gifts. This therefore implies that we need each other in a spirit of mutual dependence in other to move forward as a group. He therefore advises all, to always be disposed to use our gifts and talents in our areas of functions to promote better living in the Seminary. He finally congratulated the newly ordained deacons and admonished them that not minding the transitory nature of the office of deacon which they occupy, they should always bear in mind that even as priests, Bishops or even Pope that they were first and foremost deacons. They should then never forget the virtue of a deacon which is a call to serve others and a life of charity. He also admonished them to always embrace humility.
After the Prayer of the Faithful, there was a special thanksgiving by the deacon class as they sang and danced to the altar in gratitude for what God has done for them. Also before the end of the mass, Rev Mr. Mba Ignatius, on behalf of the deacon class, expressed their sentiments of gratitude to the Bigard Family, beginning with the Team of Formators, Seminarians, Lay Staff and all those who have played roles in making them what they have become. He prayed God to bless them abundantly
The epiphany celebration continued in the evening with the solemn procession and vespers after which the deacons treated the Bigard family to a feast of meals at the Seminary refectory.