In tune with the policy of alI-round development of seminarians, Bigard leaves no stone unturned in the area of sports development. Right from its inception the seminary has always provided different sports facilities for the seminarians.
However, it was the hosting of the second All major Nigeria seminary games in 1980 that marked a turning point in the history of sports development in the seminary. With the hosting of a sports fiesta of such magnitude came the need to upgrade available sports facilities to meet the national and international standards. This exercise was repeated in 1988 and 1998 for the same purpose with the result that today Bigard can boast of four standard lawn tennis courts, two volley ball courts, one basketball court, three standard football pitches, games room to mention but a few.

While the hosting of the seminary games marked a turning point in the history of sports development in the seminary, the hosting of the FIFA junior world cup tagged Nigeria ’99’ brought sports development to its peak in the seminary. The Federal Ministry of Sports choice of the seminary field ”A” as one of the training fields for the fiesta meant a total reconstruction of the field to meet FIFA standards and demands. This involved the construction of the dressing rooms, underground watering and drainage systems sustained by water pipelines all the way from the Agangwu stream. Today this field is one of the best maintained in the country.

Also,St Francis’ Plaza was built in 1998 to serve as a place for indoor games for the Fathers on staff.