PHI 201: INTRODUCTION TO EPISTEMOLOGY (R; HL 45; U3; PO). Types, source, scope and justification of human knowledge. Relation of knowledge to beliefs and truth. Scepticism. A study of the major schools of thought, such as empiricism, rationalism and pragmatism.
PHI 202: INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC (C; HL 45; U3; PO). A general introduction to Logic: Arguments, inductive and deductive. The notions of validity and soundness; Logical Constants; Logical and factual truth; Propositional calculus, techniques for evaluating arguments, e.g. truth tables, formal proofs of validity. Basic concepts of predicate logic. Syllogistic arguments.
PHI 203: ETHICS (R; HL 45; U3; PO). A discussion of the nature of moral judgments. Problems concerning conflicts between moral judgments. Examination of some important ethical notions, e.g. moral objectivity, authority, punishment, freedom and moral responsibility. African ethical ideas.
PHI 204: MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY (E; HL 45; U3; PO) The major philosophical doctrines of Jewish, Christian and Muslim philosophers from St. Augustine to Ockham. Emphasis on metaphysical, logical, ethical and epistemological doctrines. The influence of Greco Roman thought in the period. Philosophers to be studied include Maimonides, St. Augustine, St. Anselm, Averroes, Avicenna, Aquinas and Ockham.
PHI 205: INTRODUCTORY POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY (E; HL 45; U3; PO) Philosophical examination of political ideas such as Democracy, Dictatorship, freedom, equality, socialism, liberalism, rights, justice, authority, power, legitimacy. 37 Account will be taken of forms of African thought and practices relevant to these ideas.
PHI 206: INTRODUCTION TO METAPHYSICS (R; HL 45; U3; PO) An outline of the major concerns and scope of metaphysics. A treatment of some traditional metaphysical problems. E.g. the mind-body problem, appearance and reality, universals and particulars.
PHI 207: INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN PHILOSOPHY (C; HL 45; U3; PO) Fundamental questions about African philosophy. What is African philosophy? Is there an African philosophy? Methodologies and Orientations in African philosophy. Problems of cross – cultural comparison, e.g. Problems of translation, rationality. The individual in society; ethics and religion in African philosophy.
PHI 208: PHILOSOPHY, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION (E; HL; U3; PO) The nature of language and human communication. The role of language in the development of knowledge. The character of concepts and their role in the organization of human experience. The problem of the objectivity of meaning and the possibility of intercultural translation of ideas.
The following are courses which it pleases Bigard to offer in addition to the courses we offer in strict conformity to the affiliation agreement and to the curriculum of studies of the University of Ibadan. They are selected from the Faculties of Arts, Sciences and Social Sciences of various Universities to enable our students satisfy the compulsory demand to obtain some qualifying units from such Faculties (cf. Prospectus, op. cit., pp. 388-399). The letter B prefixed to some course codes indicates they are Bigard courses.
BCH 201: INTRODUCTION TO BIBLICAL HEBREW (ELECTIVE) The basics of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary acquisition (HL 45; U2; PO).
BCH 202: HEBREW TEXT (ELECTIVE) A study of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary through the study of selected texts from Genesis and the Historical books (HL 45; U2; PO).
BTH 201: MUSIC: Piano and other Instruments (Elective) Basics of Pianoforte playing. Practical exercise and simple pieces for beginners – major and other minor scales, chords and arpeggios. Introduction into available modern instruments (HL 45; U2; PO).
BUS 201: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (ELECTIVE) The nature, scope and purpose of Business Administration. Staffing and Managerial Principles. Crisis management and distribution of labour (HL 45; U2; PO).
BAF 201: AFRICAN THOUGHT AND CULTURE II (ELECTIVE) Special reference to Nigeria – language and ethnic groupings. Belief systems, social groupings, and politics before and after independence (HL 45; U2; PO).
BPY 201: INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (ELECTIVE) Elements and development of experimental psychology. Perception, memory. Learning, motivation, emotions, beliefs and behaviour. Inter-personal relationships (HL 45; U3; PO).
BSO 201: SOCIOLOGY I (ELECTIVE) Definition, nature and purpose of Sociology. Human interdependence; social system – families, peer groups, societies, ethnicity, structure and functions of the above systems (HL 45; U2; PO).
BPY 202: DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY (ELECTIVE) Definition, nature and purpose of the course. Different personality development theories, Sigmund Freud, etc. Drives, Dreams, Fears, Anxieties and Stress management techniques (HL 45; U3; PO).
BCS 201: INTRODUCTION TO SCRIPTURE (ELECTIVE) Origin of the Bible, its division; inspiration and human intelligence; revelation, inerrancy. Canonicity. Biblical scholarship today. Hermeneutics (HL 45; U2; PO).
BRS 201: RELIGIONS OF NIGERIAN PEOPLES: (ELECTIVE) Nigeria at Home and Nigeria in Diaspora Cuba, Brazil etc. Native religion before and after Christianity and Islam. Originality and syncretism (HL 45; U2; PO).
ECO 202: INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING (ELECTIVE) Trends and issues in Accounting. The purpose and relevance of the same. Book keeping, balance sheets, budget statements. Basic financial statement (HL 45; U2; PO).
BPH 202: HISTORY OF SCHOLASTIC PHILOSOPHY (ELECTIVE) The state of philosophy between the 11th and 12th century. Translation and the 12th century Renaissance. Universities and Scholasticism. Origins of Universities. Universities and the assimilation of Greek philosophy. Early and middle 13th century thinkers. William of Auvergne, the early Franciscans, Albert the Great, Roger Bacon, St. Bonaventure and St. Thomas Aquinas, Master Eckhart, John Duns Scotus (HL 45; U3; PO).
BPH: 203 ARAB AND JEWISH PHILOSOPHY (ELECTIVE) The translation and development of early Greek philosophy among the Arabs. Arab Philosophy. Alkiadi and Alvarabi, Avicenna and Averoes. Jewish Philosophy, Solomon Ibn Gabriel and Moses Maimonides. Jewish movement of translation, Shemtob Ben, Joseph Ibn Falgera, philosophy and Cabala (HL 45; U3; PO).
BPH 206: ETHICAL VALUES (ELECTIVE) The notion of human happiness, essential and integral values, Moral judgement and law, conscience and authority, habit and virtue, responsibility, intellectual and moral virtues. The meaning of virtue (HL 45; U3; PO).
BPH 208: PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE (ELECTIVE) Aristotle’s idea of matter and form, motion and change, nature, time, space, causes of motion. The Neo-Thomistic concepts of impetus. Modern ideas of matter, mass, energy, particles (HL 45; U3; PO).
BST 211: SPIRITUALITY OF STS. AUGUSTINE AND BENEDICT (ELECTIVE) St. Augustine (354-430) and St. Benedict (480-547.), Asceticism and spirituality of Benedict, relationship between the Opus Dei and Private Prayer (HL45; U2; PO)