Any keen observer, following the movement of the seminary from one part of the province to another, would have noted that accessibility to water supply remained a deciding factor as to where the seminary should be sited. Thus the availability of water in the Coal City played an important role in its choice as the permanent site. In fact water supply in those days was so regular that those who were students in that era could not remember ever having problems with water supply.

However, all these were to change immediately after the civil war. War ravages, coupled with corruption, mismanagement, and outright ineptitude, turned a once flushing water corporation to a shadow of itself. This was a major blow and source of worry to the seminary. Efforts to alleviate this problem were made in the early 1970 by the building of giant reservoirs to hold water when there is no supply from the water corporation.
As the supply became more erratic and the number of residents continued to rise, it was but a matter of time before the acute shortage reached a crisis point. Even the purchase of a water tanker by the seminary in 1994 could not arrest the situation as this could barely meet the demands of the seminary.
A breakthrough in the solution to this problem came in 1995, when the seminary under Msgr. Akam commissioned a team of hydro-geologists to come up with a permanent solution. After due study, the hydro-geologists recommended the damming of the nearby Agangwu stream and the construction of independent multi-million naira waterworks. However, no further action was taken until in 1998, when then new Rector Very Rev. Fr. Valarian Maduka Okeke engaged the services of two outstanding companies: Hydro and Ave Maria Construction Companies. Construction works commenced in February 1998 and was completed in August 1998. It was however, commissioned by the then Military Administrator, Col. Sule Ahman, and blessed by Archbishop Anthony K. Obiefuna in November 1998, thus arresting the long and gagged history of water problems to the seminary.